Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I finished the final design of the presentation for Battlestar Globaloria's game. I completed it in PowerPoint as I was only the designer. I tried to upload the presentation to the group wiki, but the site would not take PowerPoint files. I guess I need to try to put this presentation in another format to upload. Any suggestions from the Globalorist's?


  1. You can upload the file and put the link. You will not see the PowerPoint on the page but you can click on the link and it will open on any machine that has PowerPoint. You could also save it as a web page and upload that file so that it opens on any computer. You could also upload it to Google docs and then place a link. Please email me if any of those suggestions don't work.

  2. Thanks Denise. However, I found a converter to make it in to a SWF file and uploaded it.

